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Event coverage | Sai Yi Information joins hands with SAP to seek enterprise transformation strategy and lead a new chapter of intelligent change

  • Activity report | 2024-08-04 00:00:35
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On July 26, the SAP MOVE strategic practice sharing activity with the theme of "Huiju Cloud · Zhiqi New Chapter" was successfully held in Wuxi, sponsored by Saiyi Information and supported by SAP and Jingtong Technology。

At the meeting, Shao Ruoming, vice president of Saiyi Information, delivered a speech。He said that Saiyi Information has deep experience and summary in helping enterprises with digital transformation and high-quality development, and hopes to achieve the goal of enhancing financial indicators in the short term and improving construction capacity in the medium and long term through continuous optimization in business management and market insight。In addition, the high-quality development of enterprises cannot be separated from innovative breakthroughs, and the application of sea and AI is the inevitable choice for many enterprises to think and make on good products and applications。We hope that through today's meeting, we can bring valuable and meaningful sharing to the participating customers, and wish this event a complete success。

Shao Ruoming, Vice president of Saiyi Information, delivered a speech

Then, Gao Hong, SAP ecosystem empowerment expert, gave a talk entitled "SAP AI Helps Customers Transform their Cloud"。Gao Hong started with a video of an AI digital assistant helping to book flights, sharing how AI can simplify complex businesses and improve work efficiency and experience。He said that the AI era has brought unprecedented innovation opportunities for enterprises, and the cloud is the starting point for this change。Therefore, the intelligent cloud ERP created by SAP is combined with artificial intelligence, business data, and processes to create significant business results and drive innovation for all aspects of the enterprise。

In sharing,Gao also presented machine learning scenarios and intelligent prediction cases with pre-configured AI embedded in SAP cloud ERP,It intuitively conveys the future value of SAP Business AI in providing companies with clear business insights, improving employee productivity and business outcomes, and innovating processes for business transformation。

SAP Ecosystem empowerment expert Gao Hong delivered a keynote speech

The upgrading of enterprise scale and management upgrade are mutually driven, and as enterprises gradually move towards the stage of standardized and strategic development, the importance of digital transformation planning and design has become increasingly prominent。Yu Hongtao, General manager of Saiyi Information Digital Consulting Center, shared the "Digital Transformation Planning Consulting Methods and Cases"。He says,Enterprise digital transformation should be driven by vision,A vision is not a solution, a feature list, or something that changes every year,It should be able to bring about future-proof critical changes to the business,Align business strategy and customer experience requirements,Examine the gaps between your own capabilities and business benchmarks and fill them with digital technology。Then by example,Yu Hongtao introduced in detail the development method and main delivery contents of the top-level design of Saiyi information digital transformation,And emphasize to,Enterprise architecture design and management will play an important role in the digital transformation of enterprises,Can make the strategy really land,Improve enterprise agility, reduce the risk of IT investment mistakes, etc。

Yu Hong, general manager of Saiyi Information Digital Consulting Center, delivered a keynote speech

Saiyi Jing with consulting Director Wu Yang theme sharing "Elite/Xugong S/4 HANA PCE upgrade case sharing",Developed in the background of elite model making project,The key difficulties and risk points of project selection process review and project upgrade practice are described,Vividly and intuitively demonstrate the project situation and response ideas to the participating customers。The elite mold making project involves 17 sets of peripheral systems, more than 1000 self-developed projects, more than 300 interfaces, and involves the cooperation of enterprise customers, suppliers and dozens of external network system manufacturers in the upgrade process, and the project complexity is self-evident。

In the process of migration and upgrading, one of the risk points of the project is selective data upgrading。13 years of service data is stored on the source system, and the data volume is 300TB。After full communication and discussion, the migration rules of the unclarified data were clarified, and the data of 5 years was eventually retained in the S/4 target system for migration. The amount of data access was reduced by about 10 times, the customer's investment in cloud products was reduced by about 50%, and the operation efficiency was greatly improved。It is believed that the successful upgrade case of elite molding provides a good reference and demonstration for subsequent enterprises to upgrade S/4 HANA PCE。

Mr. Wu Yang, Director of Sye Consulting, delivered a keynote speech

The "AI Application Case Sharing" published by Zhu Zhifeng, Director of East China Customer Service Department of Saiyi Information China Business Center, shows how to empower Saiyi AI business Center in complex business scenarios from three aspects: natural language processing, computer vision application and data-based assisted decision making。

In natural language processing,Take the PCB industry order quotation as an example,Saiyi Information AI business center is gradually evolving to meet the needs of users,Integrated capabilities such as CV model, large language model and industry software tools such as ICAM parsing,Combined with PCB industry expertise,Through intelligent drawing identification, parameter extraction, text review and other steps,Supplemented by manual review,Common quotes for implementing L2 to L6 layers can be completed in 4-6 minutes,Compared with the current plate factory manual processing quotation takes 15-30 minutes/copy,The efficiency of using artificial intelligence is about three times more than that of board factories,Effectively solve the complex business problem of rapid quotation under the personalized needs of the PCB industry。

Mr. Zhu Zhifeng, Director of East China Customer Service Department of Saiyi Information China, delivered a keynote speech

Under the influence of multiple reasons such as industrial upgrading, it is historical inevitable for Chinese enterprises to go to sea at present。The sea is an opportunity and tuyere, but the road is also tortuous。Shi Wei, consulting director of Saiyi Information's overseas business division, introduced Saiyi Information's offshore toolbox in the "Saiyi Information helps Chinese enterprises successfully go to Sea" sharing。Take the industry as the traction,Customer-centric,Saiyi Information provides 360° product solutions to cover all offshore needs,Based on digital transformation planning and design methodology,Combined with nearly 20 years of listed enterprise service experience and consulting experts and other talent support,Help enterprises to plan and design their overseas business from tax, compliance, internal control and other perspectives,At the same time to provide multi-language, multi-region 7*24 hours of perfect operation and maintenance system,Let enterprises go to sea without worries。

Shi Wei, consulting director of Saiyi Information Overseas Business Division, delivered a keynote speech

At the end of the event, a special Q&A interactive session was set up,The presentation teachers from SAP and Saiyi Information respectively discussed and answered the questions raised by the participating customers, such as "How to ensure data security after enterprises go to the cloud", "Is digital transformation IT-led or business-led", and "the difference between private cloud and public cloud",The event culminated in a discussion full of insights and collisions of ideas。

In the wave of technological innovation driven by multi-dimensional factors such as cloud computing, artificial intelligence, and enterprises going overseas, the continuous expansion of innovation boundaries is effectively promoting the process of digital transformation。In the future, Saiyi Information will continue to work with SAP to drive digital intelligence and agile transformation, continue to enhance business value, and together draw a new blueprint for accelerating digital transformation。

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Previous post:Saiyi Jing appeared at 2024SAP Greater China Partner Summit, and jointly made the "new Chinese enterprise Enabler" in the cloud era! Next post:Event report | Meet Huawei Songshan Lake Base, Saiyi information leads manufacturing enterprises to build a digital smart future!

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